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In addition to (or in place of) your loader, you may define a clientLoader function that will execute on the client.

Each route can define a clientLoader function that provides data to the route when rendering:

export const clientLoader = async ({
}: ClientLoaderFunctionArgs) => {
  // call the server loader
  const serverData = await serverLoader();
  // And/or fetch data on the client
  const data = getDataFromClient();
  // Return the data to expose through useLoaderData()
  return data;

This function is only ever run on the client, and can be used in a few ways:

  • Instead of a server loader for full-client routes
  • To use alongside a clientLoader cache by invalidating the cache on mutations
    • Maintaining a client-side cache to skip calls to the server
    • Bypassing the Remix BFF hop and hitting your API directly from the client
  • To further augment data loaded from the server
    • I.e., loading user-specific preferences from localStorage
  • To facilitate a migration from React Router

Hydration Behavior

By default, clientLoader will not execute for the route during hydration of your Remix app on the initial SSR document request. This is for the primary (and simpler) use-case where the clientLoader does not change the shape of the server loader data and is just an optimization on subsequent client side navigations (to read from a cache or hit an API directly).

export async function loader() {
  // During SSR, we talk to the DB directly
  const data = getServerDataFromDb();
  return json(data);

export async function clientLoader() {
  // During client-side navigations, we hit our exposed API endpoints directly
  const data = await fetchDataFromApi();
  return data;

export default function Component() {
  const data = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
  return <>...</>;


If you need to run your clientLoader during hydration on the initial document request, you can opt-in by setting clientLoader.hydrate=true. This will tell Remix that it needs to run the clientLoader on hydration. Without a HydrateFallback, your route component will be SSR'd with the server loader data - and then clientLoader will run and the returned data will be updated in-place in the hydrated route Component.

If a route exports a clientLoader and does not export a server loader, then clientLoader.hydrate is automatically treated as true since there is no server data to SSR with. Therefore, we always need to run the clientLoader on hydration before rendering the route component.


If you need to avoid rendering your default route component during SSR because you have data that must come from a clientLoader, you can export a HydrateFallback component from your route that will be rendered during SSR, and only once the clientLoader runs on hydration will your router component be rendered.



This function receives the same params argument as a loader.


This function receives the same request argument as a loader.


serverLoader is an asynchronous function to get the data from the server loader for this route. On client-side navigations, this will make a fetch call to the Remix server loader. If you opt-into running your clientLoader on hydration, then this function will return you the data that was already loaded on the server (via Promise.resolve).

See also:

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