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React Router v7 has been released. View the docs


Returns the type of navigation used when the user arrived at the current location.

import { useNavigationType } from "@remix-run/react";

function SomeComponent() {
  const navigationType = useNavigationType();
  // ...

Return Values

  • PUSH: The user came to the current page via a push action on the history stack: clicking a link or submitting a form, etc.
  • REPLACE: The user came to the current page via a replace action on the history stack: clicking a link with <Link replace>, submitting a form with <Form replace> or calling navigate(to, { replace: true }), etc.
  • POP: The user came to the current page via a pop action on the history stack: clicking the back or forward button, calling navigate(-1) or navigate(1), etc.

Additional Resources

Docs and examples licensed under MIT