CLI to start a new project.
The create-remix
CLI will create a new Remix project. Without passing arguments, this command will launch an interactive CLI to configure the new project and set it up in a given directory.
npx create-remix@latest
Optionally you can pass the desired directory path as an argument:
npx create-remix@latest <projectDir>
The default application is a TypeScript app using the built in Remix App Server. If you wish to create your application based on a different setup, you can use the --template
npx create-remix@latest --template <templateUrl>
To get a full list of available commands and flags, run:
npx create-remix@latest --help
can also be invoked using various package managers, allowing you to choose between npm, Yarn, pnpm, and Bun for managing the install process.
npm create remix@latest <projectDir>
# or
yarn create remix@latest <projectDir>
# or
pnpm create remix@latest <projectDir>
# or
bunx create-remix@latest <projectDir>
create-remix --template
For a more comprehensive guide to available templates, see our templates page.
A valid template can be:
or :username/:repo/:directory
) cannot have a /
when using this format since create-remix
cannot unable to differentiate the branch name from the directory path
npx create-remix@latest ./my-app --template remix-run/grunge-stack
npx create-remix@latest ./my-app --template remix-run/remix/templates/remix
npx create-remix@latest ./my-app --template remix-run/examples/basic
npx create-remix@latest ./my-app --template :username/:repo
npx create-remix@latest ./my-app --template :username/:repo/:directory
npx create-remix@latest ./my-app --template
npx create-remix@latest ./my-app --template
npx create-remix@latest ./my-app --template
npx create-remix@latest ./my-app --template
npx create-remix@latest ./my-app --template
npx create-remix@latest ./my-app --template
npx create-remix@latest ./my-app --template ./path/to/remix-template
npx create-remix@latest ./my-app --template ./path/to/remix-template.tar.gz
create-remix --overwrite
If create-remix
detects any file collisions between the template and the directory you are creating your app in, it will prompt you for confirmation that it's OK to overwrite those files with the template versions. You may skip this prompt with the --overwrite
CLI flag.