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Resolves the pathname of the given to value against the pathname of the current location and returns a Path object.

import { useResolvedPath } from "@remix-run/react";

function SomeComponent() {
  const path = useResolvedPath("../some/where");
  // ...

This is useful when building links from relative values and used internally for <NavLink>.

Splat Paths

The original logic for React Router's useResolvedPath hook behaved differently for splat paths which in hindsight was incorrect/buggy behavior. Please see the React Router Docs for a longer explanation but this was determined to be a "breaking bug fix" and was fixed behind a future flag in React Router and exposed up through a v3_relativeSplatPath Future Flag in Remix. This will become the default behavior in Remix v3, so it is recommended to update your applications at your convenience to be better prepared for the eventual v3 upgrade.

It should be noted that this is the foundation for all relative routing in Remix, so this applies to the following relative path code flows as well:

  • <Link to>
  • useNavigate()
  • useHref()
  • <Form action>
  • useSubmit()
  • Relative path redirect responses returned from loaders and actions

Behavior without the flag

When this flag is not enabled, the default behavior is that when resolving relative paths inside of a splat route, the splat portion of the path is ignored. So, within a routes/dashboard.$.tsx file, useResolvedPath(".") would resolve to /dashboard even if the current URL was /dashboard/teams.

Behavior with the flag

When you enable the flag, this "bug" is fixed so that path resolution is consistent across all route types, and useResolvedPath(".") always resolves to the current pathname for the contextual route. This includes any dynamic param or splat param values, so within a routes/dashboard.$.tsx file, useResolvedPath(".") would resolve to /dashboard/teams when the current URL was /dashboard/teams.

Additional Resources

Docs and examples licensed under MIT