Remix Resources
Made by the community, for the community
npm i -D @remix-pwa/dev
FeaturedRemix PWA
An ecosystem of lightweight packages and helpers to integrate full PWA features into Remix 💿
Remix Utils
A set of utility functions and types to use with
npm install @conform-to/react @conform-to/zod --save
A type-safe form validation library utilizing web fundamentals to progressively enhance HTML Forms with full support for server frameworks like Remix and Next.js.
Remix Dev Tools
Debug your apps, find hydration errors, trace your network and more in your react-router app with these devtools
npm install -D remix-flat-routes
Remix Flat Routes
Remix package to define routes using the flat-routes convention
The easiest way to translate your Remix apps
npm i -D @remix-pwa/dev
Remix PWA
An ecosystem of lightweight packages and helpers to integrate full PWA features into Remix 💿
Remix Auth TOTP
A Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) Authentication Strategy for Remix-Auth.
Server side implementation of toast notifications in Remix
Remix Fastify
Fastify server request handler for Remix & React Router
Utility library to cache your client data in
Remix Auth OAuth2 Strategy
A OAuth2Strategy for Remix Auth
Remix Auth Form Strategy
A Remix Auth strategy for working with forms.
npm install @epic-web/remember
Simple, type-safe, "singleton" implementation.
Remix Auth Auth0 Strategy
An Auth0Strategy for Remix Auth, based on the OAuth2Strategy
npm install remix-auth remix-auth-webauthn
Remix Auth WebAuthn Strategy
A Remix Auth strategy for signing in with Web Authentication passkeys.
Remix Auth GitHub Strategy
A GitHubStrategy for Remix Auth, based on the OAuth2Strategy
npm install remix-auth-microsoft remix-auth remix-auth-oauth2
Remix Auth Microsoft Strategy
Microsoft authentication strategy for remix-auth
npm install remix-json-routes
Remix JSON Routes
A Remix package to allow custom route definition via JSON or React elements
this vite plugin will transform any imported svg files and combine them into a cachable svg sprite sheet
HTTP Helmet
easily add CSP and other security headers to your web application.
npx @inlang/paraglide-js init && npm i remix-paraglidejs @inlang/paraglide-js-adapter-vite
remix utils and examples to work with paraglidejs