
A strategy to use and implement OAuth2 framework for authentication with federated services like Google, Facebook, GitHub, etc.

Supported runtimes

Runtime Has Support

How to use


npm add remix-auth-oauth2

![WARNING] If you're using versions of Node.js previous to v20, you will need to make the WebCrypto API globally available to use this package.

import { webcrypto } from "node:crypto";
globalThis.crypto = webcrypto;

Or enable the experimental flag --experimental-global-webcrypto when running your process. For v20 or greater, this is not necessary.


You can use this strategy by adding it to your authenticator instance and configuring the correct endpoints.

export let authenticator = new Authenticator<User>(sessionStorage);

  new OAuth2Strategy<
    { provider: "provider-name" },
    { id_token: string }
      clientId: CLIENT_ID,
      clientSecret: CLIENT_SECRET,

      authorizationEndpoint: "https://provider.com/oauth2/authorize",
      tokenEndpoint: "https://provider.com/oauth2/token",
      redirectURI: "https://example.app/auth/callback",

      tokenRevocationEndpoint: "https://provider.com/oauth2/revoke", // optional

      codeChallengeMethod: "S256", // optional
      scopes: ["openid", "email", "profile"], // optional

      authenticateWith: "request_body", // optional
    async ({ tokens, profile, context, request }) => {
      // here you can use the params above to get the user and return it
      // what you do inside this and how you find the user is up to you
      return await getUser(tokens, profile, context, request);
  // this is optional, but if you setup more than one OAuth2 instance you will
  // need to set a custom name to each one

Using the Refresh Token

The strategy exposes a public refreshToken method that you can use to refresh the access token.

let strategy = new OAuth2Strategy<User>(options, verify);
let tokens = await strategy.refreshToken(refreshToken);

The refresh token is part of the tokens object the verify callback receives. How you store it to call strategy.refreshToken and what you do with the tokens object after it is up to you.

The most common approach would be to store the refresh token in the user data and then update the session after refreshing the token.

  new OAuth2Strategy<User>(
    async ({ tokens, profile, context, request }) => {
      let user = await getUser(tokens, profile, context, request);
      let { access_token: accessToken, refresh_token: refreshToken } = tokens;
      return { ...user, accessToken, refreshToken };

// later in your code
let user = await authenticator.isAuthenticated(request, {
  failureRedirect: "/login",

let session = await sessionStorage.getSession(request.headers.get("cookie"));

let tokens = await strategy.refreshToken(user.refreshToken);

session.set(authenticator.sessionKey, {
  accessToken: tokens.accessToken,
  refreshToken: tokens.refreshToken,

// commit the session here

Logging out the User

If you want to logout the user, aside of clearing your application session, you can revoke the access token the user has with the provider.

let user = await authenticator.isAuthenticated(request, {
  failureRedirect: "/login",

let tokens = await strategy.revokeToken(user.accessToken);

Extending it

You can use this strategy as a base class for another strategy using the OAuth2 framework. That way, you wouldn't need to implement the whole OAuth2 flow yourself in your custom strategy.

The OAuth2Strategy will handle the whole flow for you and let you replace parts of it where you need.

Let's see how an Auth0Strategy is implemented using the OAuth2Strategy as a base.

// We need to import from Remix Auth the type of the strategy verify callback
import type { StrategyVerifyCallback } from "remix-auth";

// We need to import the OAuth2Strategy, the verify params and the profile interfaces
import type {
} from "remix-auth-oauth2";

import { OAuth2Strategy } from "remix-auth-oauth2";

// These are the custom options we need from the developer to use the strategy
export interface Auth0StrategyOptions
  extends Omit<
    "authorizationEndpoint" | "tokenEndpoint" | "tokenRevocationEndpoint"
  > {
  domain: string;
  audience?: string;

// The Auth0Profile extends the OAuth2Profile with the extra params and mark
// some of them as required
export interface Auth0Profile extends OAuth2Profile {
  id: string;
  displayName: string;
  name: {
    familyName: string;
    givenName: string;
    middleName: string;
  emails: Array<{ value: string }>;
  photos: Array<{ value: string }>;
  _json: {
    sub: string;
    name: string;
    given_name: string;
    family_name: string;
    middle_name: string;
    nickname: string;
    preferred_username: string;
    profile: string;
    picture: string;
    website: string;
    email: string;
    email_verified: boolean;
    gender: string;
    birthdate: string;
    zoneinfo: string;
    locale: string;
    phone_number: string;
    phone_number_verified: boolean;
    address: {
      country: string;
    updated_at: string;

interface Auth0ExtraParams extends Record<string, unknown> {
  id_token: string;

// And we create our strategy extending the OAuth2Strategy, we also need to
// pass the User as we did on the FormStrategy, we pass the Auth0Profile and the
// extra params
export class Auth0Strategy<User> extends OAuth2Strategy<
> {
  // The OAuth2Strategy already has a name but we override it to be specific of
  // the service we are using
  name = "auth0";

  private userInfoEndpoint: string;

  // We receive our custom options and our verify callback
    { domain, audience, ...options }: Auth0StrategyOptions,
    // Here we type the verify callback as a StrategyVerifyCallback receiving
    // the User type and the OAuth2StrategyVerifyParams with the Auth0Profile.
    verify: StrategyVerifyCallback<
      OAuth2StrategyVerifyParams<Auth0Profile, Auth0ExtraParams>
  ) {
    // And we pass the options to the super constructor using our own options
    // to generate them, this was we can ask less configuration to the developer
    // using our strategy
        authorizationEndpoint: `https://${domain}/authorize`,
        tokenEndpoint: `https://${domain}/oauth/token`,
        tokenRevocationEndpoint: `https://${domain}/oauth/revoke`

    this.userInfoEndpoint = `https://${domain}/userinfo`;
    this.audience = audience;

  // We override the protected authorizationParams method to return a new
  // URLSearchParams with custom params we want to send to the authorizationURL.
  // Here we add the scope so Auth0 can use it, you can pass any extra param
  // you need to send to the authorizationURL here base on your provider.
  // The `request` argument represents the entire Request object, allowing you
  // to access various aspects of the incoming request, such as URL search parameters,
  // headers, or other request-specific data. This flexibility enables you to
  // dynamically set additional URL search parameters based on specific conditions
  // or user input. For example, you might want to include a 'screen_hint' parameter.
  protected authorizationParams(
    params: URLSearchParams,
    request?: Request,
  ): URLSearchParams {
    if (this.audience) params.set("audience", this.audience);
    if (new URL(request.url).searchParams.get('example')) params.set('example', 'example');
    return params;

  // We also override how to use the accessToken to get the profile of the user.
  // Here we fetch a Auth0 specific URL, get the profile data, and build the
  // object based on the Auth0Profile interface.
  protected async userProfile(
    tokens: TokenResponseBody & Auth0ExtraParams,
  ): Promise<Auth0Profile> {
    let response = await fetch(this.userInfoEndpoint, {
      headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${tokens.access_token}` },

    let data: Auth0Profile["_json"] = await response.json();

    let profile: Auth0Profile = {
      provider: "auth0",
      displayName: data.name,
      id: data.sub,
      name: {
        familyName: data.family_name,
        givenName: data.given_name,
        middleName: data.middle_name,
      emails: [{ value: data.email }],
      photos: [{ value: data.picture }],
      _json: data,

    return profile;

And that's it, thanks to the OAuth2Strategy we don't need to implement the whole OAuth2 flow ourselves and can focus on the unique parts of our strategy which is the user profile and extra search params our provider may require us to send.