
Type-safe helper for manipulating internal links in your React Router apps.

[!note] remix-routes has been renamed to safe-routes. If you are looking for the documentation of remix-routes, please refer to here.

Please refer to the upgrading guide if you are upgrading from remix-routes.



$ npm add safe-routes


Add safeRoutes plugin to your vite.config.ts:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import { reactRouter } from "@react-router/dev/vite";
import { safeRoutes } from 'safe-routes/vite';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [

Supported config options:

  • strict: boolean
  • outDir: string

Add safe-routes typegen to the typecheck script:

- "typecheck": "react-router typegen && tsc --build --noEmit"
+ "typecheck": "react-router typegen && safe-routes typegen && tsc --build --noEmit"


Typed URL generation

import { redirect } from 'react-router';
import { $path } from 'safe-routes'; // <-- Import magical $path helper from safe-routes.

export const action = async ({ request }) => {
  let formData = await request.formData();
  const post = await createPost(formData);

  return redirect($path('/posts/:id', { id: })); // <-- It's type safe.

Appending query string

import { $path } from 'safe-routes';

$path('/posts/:id', { id: 6 }, { version: 18 }); // => /posts/6?version=18
$path('/posts', { limit: 10 }); // => /posts?limit=10
// You can pass any URLSearchParams init as param
$path('/posts/delete', [['id', 1], ['id', 2]]); // => /posts/delete?id=1&id=2

Typed query string

Define type of query string by exporting a type named SearchParams in route file:

// app/routes/posts.tsx

export type SearchParams = {
  view: 'list' | 'grid',
  sort?: 'date' | 'views',
  page?: number,
import { $path } from 'safe-routes';

// The query string is type-safe.
$path('/posts', { view: 'list', sort: 'date', page: 1 });

You can combine this feature with zod and remix-params-helper to add runtime params checking:

import { z } from "zod";
import { getSearchParams } from "remix-params-helper";

const SearchParamsSchema = z.object({
  view: z.enum(["list", "grid"]),
  sort: z.enum(["price", "size"]).optional(),
  page: z.number().int().optional(),

export type SearchParams = z.infer<typeof SearchParamsSchema>;

export const loader = async (request) => {
  const result = getSearchParams(request, SearchParamsSchema)
  if (!result.success) {
    return json(result.errors, { status: 400 })
  const { view, sort, page } =;

Checking params

[!NOTE] This function has been marked @deprecated in favor of React Router's built-in type-safety, which provides strongly typed params to loaders, actions, and components. This helper has been kept primarily to assist in incremental migration.

import { useParams } from "react-router";
import { $params } from 'safe-routes'; // <-- Import $params helper.

export const action = async ({ params }) => {
  const { id } = $params("/posts/:id/update", params) // <-- It's type safe, try renaming `id` param.

  // ...

export default function Component() {
  const params = useParams();
  const { id } = $params("/posts/:id/update", params);

Typed route ids

safe-routes exports the RouteId type definition with the list of all valid route ids for your repository, and has a helper function $routeId that tells typescript to restrict the given string to one of the valid RouteId values.

import type { RouteId } from 'safe-routes';
import type { loader as postsLoader } from './_layout.tsx';
import { useRouteLoaderData } from 'react-router';
import { $routeId } from 'safe-routes';

export default function Post() {
  const postList = useRouteLoaderData<typeof postsLoader>($routeId('routes/posts/_layout'));

Basename support

Basename is supported out of the box. If you have set a basename in your vite.config.ts and react-router.config.ts, safe-routes will automatically prepend the basename to the generated URLs.

// react-router.config.ts
import type { Config } from "@react-router/dev/config";

export default {
  basename: "/blog",
} satisfies Config;
import { $path } from 'safe-routes';

$path('/posts/:id', { id: 6 }); // => /blog/posts/6
