React Router v7 has been released. View the docs


This utility allows you to unit-test your own components that rely on Remix hooks/components by setting up a mocked set of routes:

import { createRemixStub } from "@remix-run/testing";

test("renders loader data", async () => {
  const RemixStub = createRemixStub([
      path: "/",
      meta() {
        /* ... */
      links() {
        /* ... */
      Component: MyComponent,
      ErrorBoundary: MyErrorBoundary,
      action() {
        /* ... */
      loader() {
        /* ... */

  render(<RemixStub />);

  // Assert initial render
  await waitFor(() => screen.findByText("..."));

  // Click a button and assert a UI change"button text"));
  await waitFor(() => screen.findByText("..."));

If your loaders rely on the getLoadContext method, you can provide a stubbed context via the second parameter to createRemixStub:

const RemixStub = createRemixStub(
      path: "/",
      Component: MyComponent,
      loader({ context }) {
        return json({ message: context.key });
  { key: "value" }

The <RemixStub> component itself takes properties similar to React Router if you need to control the initial URL, history stack, hydration data, or future flags:

// Test the app rendered at "/2" with 2 prior history stack entries
    initialEntries={["/", "/1", "/2"]}

// Test the app rendered with initial loader data for the root route.  When using
// this, it's best to give your routes their own unique IDs in your route definitions
      loaderData: { root: { message: "hello" } },

// Test the app rendered with given future flags enabled
render(<RemixStub future={{ v3_coolFeature: true }} />);
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