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Watch the 📼 Remix Singles: Pending UI, Clearing Inputs After Form Submissions, and Optimistic UI

This hook tells you everything you need to know about a page transition to build pending navigation indicators and optimistic UI on data mutations. Things like:

  • Global loading spinners
  • Spinners on clicked links
  • Disabling forms while the mutation is happening
  • Adding spinners to submit buttons
  • Optimistically showing a new record while it's being created on the server
  • Optimistically showing the new state of a record while it's being updated
import { useTransition } from "@remix-run/react";

function SomeComponent() {
  const transition = useTransition();


You can know the state of the transition with transition.state. It will be one of:

  • idle - There is no transition pending.
  • submitting - A form has been submitted. If GET, then the route loader is being called. If POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, then the route action is being called.
  • loading - The loaders for the next routes are being called to render the next page.

Normal navigation's transition as follows:

idle → loading → idle

GET form submissions transition as follows:

idle → submitting → idle

Form submissions with POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE transition as follows:

idle → submitting → loading → idle
function SubmitButton() {
  const transition = useTransition();

  const text =
    transition.state === "submitting"
      ? "Saving..."
      : transition.state === "loading"
      ? "Saved!"
      : "Go";

  return <button type="submit">{text}</button>;


Most pending UI only cares about transition.state, but the transition can tell you even more information on transition.type.

Remix calls your route loaders at various times, like on normal link clicks or after a form submission completes. If you'd like to build pending indication that is more granular than "loading" and "submitting", use the transition.type.

Depending on the transition state, the types can be the following:

  • state === "idle"

    • idle - The type is always idle when there's not a pending navigation.
  • state === "submitting"

    • actionSubmission - A form has been submitted with POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE, and the action is being called
    • loaderSubmission - A form has been submitted with GET and the loader is being called
  • state === "loading"

    • loaderSubmissionRedirect - A "loaderSubmission" was redirected by the loader and the next routes are being loaded
    • actionRedirect - An "actionSubmission" was redirected by the action and the next routes are being loaded
    • actionReload - The action from an "actionSubmission" returned data and the loaders on the page are being reloaded
    • fetchActionRedirect - An action fetcher redirected and the next routes are being loaded
    • normalRedirect - A loader from a normal navigation (or redirect) redirected to a new location and the new routes are being loaded
    • normalLoad - A normal load from a normal navigation
function SubmitButton() {
  const transition = useTransition();

  const loadTexts = {
    actionRedirect: "Data saved, redirecting...",
    actionReload: "Data saved, reloading fresh data...",

  const text =
    transition.state === "submitting"
      ? "Saving..."
      : transition.state === "loading"
      ? loadTexts[transition.type] || "Loading..."
      : "Go";

  return <button type="submit">{text}</button>;


Any transition that started from a <Form> or useSubmit will have your form's submission attached to it. This is primarily useful to build "Optimistic UI" with the submission.formData FormData object.

TODO: Example


This tells you what the next location is going to be. It's most useful when matching against the next URL for custom links and hooks.

For example, this Link knows when its page is loading and about to become active:

import { Link, useResolvedPath } from "@remix-run/react";

function PendingLink({ to, children }) {
  const transition = useTransition();
  const path = useResolvedPath(to);

  const isPending =
    transition.state === "loading" &&
    transition.location.pathname === path.pathname;

  return (
      data-pending={isPending ? "true" : null}

Note that this link will not appear "pending" if a form is being submitted to the URL the link points to, because we only do this for "loading" states. The form will contain the pending UI for when the state is "submitting", once the action is complete, then the link will go pending.

v2 deprecation

This API will be removed in v2 in favor of useNavigation. You can start using the new useNavigation hook today to make upgrading in the future easy, but you can keep using useTransition before v2.

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