A waterfall down a series of rocks shaped like a stairway
March 10, 2023

Lazy Loading Routes in React Router 6.4+

Matt Brophy
Staff Developer

React Router 6.4 introduced the concept of a "Data Router" with the primary focus of separating data fetching from rendering to eliminate render + fetch chains and the spinners that come along with them.

These chains are more commonly referred to as "waterfalls", but we're trying to re-think that term because most folks hear waterfall and picture Niagra Falls, where all of the water falls down in one big nice waterfall. But "all at once" seems like a great way to load data, so why the hate on waterfalls? Maybe we should chase 'em after all?

In reality, the "waterfalls" we want to avoid look more like the header image above and resemble a staircase. The water falls a little bit, then stops, then falls a bit more, then stops, and so on and so on. Now imagine each step in that staircase is a loading spinner. That's not the type of UI we want to give our users! So in this article (and hopefully beyond), we're using the term "chain" to indicate fetches that are inherently sequentially ordered, and each fetch is blocked by the fetch before it.

Render + Fetch Chains

If you haven't yet read the Remixing React Router post or seen Ryan's When to Fetch talk from Reactathon last year, you may want to check them out before diving through the rest of this post. They cover a lot of the background behind why we introduced the idea of a Data Router.

The tl;dr; is that when your router is unaware of your data requirements, you end up with chained requests, and subsequent data needs are "discovered" as you render children components:

network diagram showing sequential network requests
Coupling data fetching to components leads to render+fetch chains

But introducing a Data Router allows you to parallelize your fetches and render everything all at once:

network diagram showing parallel network requests
Route fetching parallelizes requests, eliminating slow render+fetch chains

In order to accomplish this, a data router lifts your route definitions out of the render cycle so our router can identify nested data requirements ahead of time.

// app.jsx
import Layout, { getUser } from `./layout`;
import Home from `./home`;
import Projects, { getProjects } from `./projects`;
import Project, { getProject } from `./project`;

const routes = [{
  path: '/',
  loader: () => getUser(),
  element: <Layout />,
  children: [{
    index: true,
    element: <Home />,
  }, {
    path: 'projects',
    loader: () => getProjects(),
    element: <Projects />,
    children: [{
      path: ':projectId',
      loader: ({ params }) => getProject(params.projectId),
      element: <Project />,

But this comes with a downside. So far we've talked about how to optimize our data fetches, but we've also got to consider how to optimize our JS bundle fetches too! With this route definition above, while we can fetch all of our data in parallel, we've blocked the start of the data fetch by the download of a Javascript bundle containing all of our loaders and components.

Consider a user entering your site on the / route:

network diagram showing an application JS bundle blocking data fetches
The singular JS bundle blocks the data fetch

This user still has to download the loaders and components for the projects and :projectId routes, even though they don't need them! And in the worst case, the user will never need them if they don't navigate to those routes. This can't be ideal for our UX.

React.lazy to the Rescue?

React.lazy offers a first-class primitive to chunk off portions of your component tree, but it suffers from the same tight-coupling of fetching and rendering that we are trying to eliminate with data routers 😕. This is because when you use React.lazy(), you create an async chunk for your component, but React won't actually start fetching that chunk until it renders the lazy component.

// app.jsx
const LazyComponent = React.lazy(() => import("./component"));

function App() {
  return (
    <React.Suspense fallback={<p>Loading lazy chunk...</p>}>
      <LazyComponent />
network diagram showing a React.lazy() render + fetch chain
The React.lazy() call produces a similar render + fetch chain

So while we can leverage React.lazy() with data routers, we end up introducing a chain to download the component after our data fetches. Ruben Casas wrote up a great post on some of the approaches to leverage code-splitting in data routers with React.lazy(). But as we can see from the post, code splitting was still a bit verbose and tedious to do manually. As a result of this sub-par DX, we received a Proposal (and an initial POC implementation) from @rossipedia. This proposal did a great job of outlining the current challenges and got us thinking about the best way to introduce first-class code-splitting support in a RouterProvider. We'd like to give a huge shout out to both of these folks (and the rest of our amazing community) for being such active participants in the evolution of React Router 🙌.

Introducing Route.lazy

If we want lazy-loading to play nicely with data routers, we need to be able to introduce laziness outside of the render cycle. Just like we lifted data fetching out from the render cycle, we want to lift route fetching out of the render cycle as well.

If you step back and look at a route definition, it can be split into 3 sections:

  • Path matching fields such as path, index, and children
  • Data loading/submitting fields such loader and action
  • Rendering fields such as element and errorElement

The only thing a data router truly needs on the critical path is the path matching fields, as it needs to be able to identify all of the routes matched for a given URL. After matching, we already have an asynchronous navigation in progress so there's no reason we couldn't also be fetching route information during that navigation. And then we don't need the rendering aspects until we're done with data-fetching since we don't render the destination route until data fetches have completed. Yes, this can introduce the concept of a "chain" (load route, then load data) but it's an opt-in lever you can pull as needed to address the trade-off between initial load speed and subsequent navigation speeds.

Here's what this looks like using our route structure from above, and using the new lazy() method (available in React Router v6.9.0) on a route definition:

// app.jsx
import Layout, { getUser } from `./layout`;
import Home from `./home`;

const routes = [{
  path: '/',
  loader: () => getUser(),
  element: <Layout />,
  children: [{
    index: true,
    element: <Home />,
  }, {
    path: 'projects',
    lazy: () => import("./projects"), // 💤 Lazy load!
    children: [{
      path: ':projectId',
      lazy: () => import("./project"), // 💤 Lazy load!

// projects.jsx
export function loader = () => { ... }; // formerly named getProjects

export function Component() { ... } // formerly named Projects

// project.jsx
export function loader = () => { ... }; // formerly named getProject

export function Component() { ... } // formerly named Project

What's export function Component you ask? The properties exported from this lazy module are added to the route definition verbatim. Because it's odd to export an element, we've added support for defining Component on a route object instead of element (but don't worry element still works!).

In this case we've opted to leave the layout and home routes in the primary bundle as that's the most common entry-point for our users. But we've moved the imports of our projects and :projectId routes into their own dynamic imports that won't be loaded unless we navigate to those routes.

The resulting network graph would look something like this on initial load:

network diagram showing a initial load using route.lazy()
The lazy() method allows us to trim down our critical path bundle

Now our critical path bundle includes only those routes we've deemed critical for initial entry to our site. Then when a user clicks a link to /projects/123, we fetch those routes in parallel via the lazy() method and execute their returned loader methods:

network diagram showing a link click using route.lazy()
We lazy load routes in parallel on navigations

This gives us a bit of the best of both worlds in that we're able to trim our critical-path bundle to the relevant homepage routes. And then on navigations, we can match paths and fetch the new route definitions we need.

Advanced Usage and Optimizations

Some of the astute readers may feel a bit of a 🕷️ spidey-sense tingling for some hidden chaining going on in here. Is this the optimal network graph? As it turns out, it's not! But it's pretty good for the lack of code we had to write to get it 😉.

In this example above, our route modules include our loader as well as our Component, which means that we need to download the contents of both before we can start our loader fetch. In practice, your React Router SPA loaders are generally pretty small and hitting external APIs where the majority of your business logic lives. Components on the other hand define your entire user interface, including all of the user-interactivity that goes along with it - and they can get quite big.

network diagram showing a loader + component chunk blocking a data fetch
Singular route files block the data fetch behind the component download

It seems silly to block the loader (which is likely making a fetch() call to some API) by the JS download for a large Component tree? What if we could turn this 👆 into this 👇?

network diagram showing separate loader and component files unblocking the data fetch
We can unblock the data fetch by extracting the component to it's own file

The good news is that you can with minimal code changes! If a loader/action is statically defined on a route, then it will be executed in parallel with lazy(). This allows us to decouple the loader data fetch from the component chunk download by separating the loader and component into separate files:

const routes = [
    path: "projects",
    async loader({ request, params }) {
      let { loader } = await import("./projects-loader");
      return loader({ request, params });
    lazy: () => import("./projects-component"),

Any fields defined statically on the route will always take precedence over anything returned from lazy. So while you should not be defining a static loader and also returning a loader from lazy, the lazy version will be ignored and you'll get a console warning if you do.

This statically-defined loader concept also opens up some interesting possibilities for inlining code directly. For example, maybe you have a single API endpoint that knows how to fetch data for a given route based on the request URL. You could inline all of your loaders at minimal bundle cost and achieve total parallelization between your data fetch and your component (or route module) chunk download.

const routes = [
    path: "projects",
    loader: ({ request }) => fetchDataForUrl(request.url),
    lazy: () => import("./projects-component"),
network diagram showing total parallelization between the data fetch and the component download
Look ma, no loader chunk!

As a matter of fact, this is exactly how Remix approaches this issue because route loaders are their own API endpoints 🔥.

More Information

For more information, check out the decision doc or the example in the GitHub repository. Happy Lazy Loading!

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