Learn more about Remix Stacks.
npx create-remix@latest --template edmundhung/remix-cloudflare-template
What's included?
- Development with Vite
- Github Actions for CI/CD
- Markdoc for rendering markdown
- Styling with Tailwind
- End-to-end testing with Playwright
- Local third party request mocking with MSW
- Code formatting with Prettier
- Linting with ESLint
- Static Types with TypeScript
Before start, copy .dev.vars.example and name it
with the required secrets.
cp .dev.vars.example .dev.vars
To starts the vite dev server:
npm run dev
You can also start the Playwright UI mode to test your application. You will find all the tests defined in the /tests/e2e directory.
npm run test
To test your application on the workerd runtime, you can start the wrangler dev server with:
npm run build && npm run start
New environment variable & secret
To add a new secret, please
update the value
on the .dev.vars
For the rest of the environment variable, you can update the var section on the wrangler.toml file with the new variable:
The variables will be available from the env
object in the context.
Setup a KV Namespace
To setup a new KV namespace on the development environment, update wrangler.toml with another object similar to the cache namespace as shown below:
kv_namespaces = [
{ binding = "cache", id = "cache" },
{ binding = "new_namespace", id = "new_namespace" }
Note that the id
has no effect on the dev environment. You can use the same
name for both id
and binding
. The namespace will be available form the env
object in the context.
Generate env types
You can generate the types of the env
object based on wrangler.toml
npx wrangler types
Before your first deployment, make sure all the environment variables and bindings are set properly on the Cloudlfare Dashboard.
Creating a new application
To create a new application on the Cloudflare Dashboard, select Workers and Pages from the menu and click on Create Application. You can then follow the instructions based on your needs.
Setting up environment variables
To set up environment variables, select Workers and Pages from the menu and look for the application details. You will find the environment variables section under the Settings tab.
Setting up KV namespaces
To set up a new KV namespaces, you need to create a new namespace first through the KV menu under Workers and Pages and click Create a namespace.
After creating the namespace, you can bind the namespace to the application from the application details page. You can find the setting from the Functions section under the Settings tab.
If your application is not working properly, you can find the real-time logs in the Functions tab from the deployment details page.