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Remix Docs

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Getting Started

Technical Explanation

If you're wondering what Remix is, this is the page for you. Learn how Remix is four primary things: a compiler, an HTTP handler, a server framework, and a browser framework.

Preparing for v2

Remix v2 is coming soon! All of the new APIs and behaviors are available already in v1 behind Future Flags. This doc will help you incrementally adopt each one so that when its time to update to v2, you don't have to change a thing.

Blog Tutorial

Spend your first few minutes with Remix here and let us introduce some of the core features as quickly as possible. After this you can go explore the docs or dive deeper with the other tutorials. We'll build a little markdown blog with data loading, actions, form validation, redirects, and more.

Jokes App Deep Dive

Dive deep into Remix and full stack development with this app. It's backed by a SQL database, user authentication and session, and of course some modern UI finishes. You'll learn about nested routes, sessions, data loading, data mutations, progressive enhancement, and more. Get a feel for what a data-backed web app feels like with Remix.


GitHub Repository

Follow along and contribute to the development of Remix. We actually love typo PRs.

GitHub Discussions is also the best place to get help when you're stuck. Other folks can post answers for the next person to see.

Remix Examples

Have a look at the various Remix examples made by the community.

Discord Server

Join our awesome community of developers for realtime discussion, help, and showing off what you built! Good vibes only.

Docs and examples licensed under MIT