Remix Brand

These assets are provided for use in situations like articles and video tutorials.

Trademark Usage Agreement

The Remix name and logos are trademarks of Shopify Inc.

You may not use the Remix name or logos in any way that could mistakenly imply any official connection with or endorsement of Shopify Inc. Any use of the Remix name or logos in a manner that could cause customer confusion is not permitted.

Additionally, you may not use our trademarks for t-shirts, stickers, or other merchandise without explicit written consent.

You may also download all image files for Remix Logo's in bulk through Google Drive.


Please use the logo with appropriate background. On dark backgrounds use the light or glowing logo, and on light backgrounds use the dark logo.

Logo Word

You can also use the full "Remix" logo. This is useful for things like hero images, Open Graph images, and other places where you want to use the full wordmark.